Mexico or Budapest?
We’ve been in Budapest for four days now, and it has been so busy that I have not had a chance to make a single entry here. So, I’ll break this up into a few posts.
From the very beginning, we knew that this trip would be an adventure. It started with our meeting point: London Heathrow, Terminal 5 – post security at the Amato cafe. While this was our meeting place, I never made it. As I tried to enter the terminal, I learned that British Airways had offboarded me as they didn’t think it was possible to have 2 Tejujas on one flight, especially sitting next to each other, while arriving into London from different cities.
Once this was cleared up, I was able to pass through security just in time to board our flight. Upon boarding, we were greeted by a mariachi band – a UK rugby team heading to Budapest on holiday – who made us feel like we were headed to Mexico instead.
3.5 hours later, we found ourselves in Budapest airport, watching the mariachi band sing and pick up bag after bag. Once they left, and the little, metal, red box stating “last bag” came down the chute, us and 10 others headed to the lost luggage counter.
After some paperwork, the BA representative agreed to provide me with a survival kit, consisting of a XXL white t-shirt, shampoo, razor, and toothbrush. Aarthi was not fortunate enough to even receive this luxurious treatment.
The evening did improve though – we took the bus and metro to the hostel, had dinner, and one of the ladies at the hostel made us her charity case and allowed us to borrow clothes and a towel. We also manage to find some dinner..